Dr. Alanna M. Lienig is an Associate Professor in the Education department.
- District Director of Special Education, MN Department of Education
- K-12 Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities, MN Department of Education
- K-12 Learning Disabilities, MN Department of Education
- K-6 Elementary Education, MN Department of Education
- 5-8 Social Studies, MN Department of Education
Bethel University, St. Paul - Doctorate: Educational Leadership- Special Education Director Licensure
- Her doctoral dissertation, “A Reading Motivation Intervention for Students with Learning Disabilities, Students with ADHD, and Their Nondisabled Peers,” is available here: http://content.clic.edu/cdm/ref/collection/p16120coll4/id/49.
College Teaching Experience
Bethany Lutheran College, Mankato - Assistant Professor of Education- Education Foundations/Philosophy
- Teaching Mathematics
- Teaching Math in Middle Level Classrooms
- Curriculum & Assessment
- Curriculum & Assessment In Middle Level Classrooms
- Education Teacher Performance Assessment
- Student Teacher Supervisor
- Children’s Literature
- Special Education Law & Advocacy
- Behavior Management for Students with Disabilities
- Special Education Planning
- Behavior Methods and Mental Health for Mild to Moderate Disabilities
- Teaching Science
- Teaching Science in Middle Level Classroom
- Classroom Management
- Capstone
Administrative Experience
Lakeville Treatment Center: Christian Family Solutions - Director of Special Services- Oversee educational programming for high school students
- K-12 Principal
- Birth-Age 21 Special Education Coordinator
Teaching Experience
PreKindergarten Through Grade 12 & Age 21 (SPED)- Subjects Taught: Reading, Mathematics, Social Skills, Social Studies, Science, Emotional/Behavioral Support, Technology, Business, Accounting, College & Career Readiness, Music, Choir, Theatre, Dance, and Art
Alanna Lienig has recently taught the following courses:
- Introduction to Education
- Introduction to Education Clinical
- Educational Psychology & Human Relations Clinical
- Teaching Science Elementary Clinicl
- Teaching Science in Elementary Classrooms
- Teaching Mathematics
- Teaching Mathematics Clinical
- Curriculum Planning and Assessment
- Curriculum and Assessment (5-12)
- Curriculum Planning and Assessmentin Middle and Secondary Classrooms
- Classroom Management
- Capstone for Professional Educators
- Student Teaching 1: El Ed
- Student Teaching 1: Physical Ed
- Student Teaching 2: CAL
- Student Teaching I: K-12 Art
- Student Teaching I: K-12 PE
- Student Teaching I: K-6 Elementary
- Student Teaching I: SPED
- Stdt Teach II: Autism, Emot, & Behav Dis
- Stdt Teach II: Emotional & Behavioral Disorders Licensure
- Stdt Teach II: K-6 Elementary
- Stdt Teach II: Mid Lvl Math
- Stdt Teach II: Secondary Socl Stud
- Student Teaching 2: El Ed
- Student Teaching 2: CAL
- Student Teaching 2: Soc Studies
- Student Teaching II: ABS/SPED
- Student Teaching II: D Middle LevelSocial Studies
- Student Teaching II: K-12 Art
- Educational Studies Internship andSeminar
- Physical Geography
- Human Geography
- Logic and Critical Thinking
- Special Education IEP & TransitionPlanning
- Special Education Law and Advocacy
- Behavior Mgmt & Classroom Environments for Students with Disabilities
- Special Education Practicum II
- Behavioral Methods & Mental Healthfor Mild to Moderate Disabilities
- Emotional, Behavioral, and TraumaBased Disorders