Important Message from the Bethany Alumni Board

Dear Bethany Alumni,

The Bethany Lutheran College (BLC) Alumni Board is a group of 24 graduates who support the mission of the College in various ways. The Board most recently met in April 2024 when we heard a presentation from President Gene Pfeifer where he highlighted some of the blessings from our Lord for Bethany. A few that he mentioned were:

  • four years in a row of record enrollment at BLC;
  • several campus facility upgrades and expansions;
  • U.S. News ranking BLC as one of top colleges in the nation for social mobility, and
  • the many successes of Bethany students at the state and national level.

But with these blessings, there are also some very serious challenges faced by Bethany and many other colleges today. Demographically, there will be a sharp decline in numbers of college age people in the coming years (known as the “demographic cliff”); at the same time, free tuition is now offered to low income students at Minnesota public colleges and universities. Both of these factors could affect BLC’s enrollment. Meanwhile, rising operating costs due to inflationary pressures have forced Bethany to use reserve funds which are becoming depleted. Simply put, it’s a tough time for our alma mater.

President Pfeifer also explained how Bethany is employing several strategies to help balance the budget and ensure the College’s long term viability. These include continued enrollment growth, budget reductions and re-prioritizing, and increased support from foundations. Another component of that plan is the reason for this letter to you – that is your generous alumni support for the Bethany Fund. We, alumni, need to do all we can to help our alma mater reach the Bethany Fund goal of $750,000 by June 30, 2024. As of today, (Tues, May 28, 2024), $127,182 more in donations is still needed to ensure the goal is met allowing the year to end in the black.

Our alumni director, Jake Krier, explained to the Board that during the last fiscal year, the number of alumni supporting Bethany was at an all-time high of 1,150 donors. At present, 909 alumni have supported the College with a gift for the Bethany Fund. Our goal is 1,368 alumni gifts this year (Bethany Alumni Giving Page). This is an aggressive, but achievable goal. Those of us serving on the Alumni Board have all made contributions, and now we are asking all alumni to join with us to support our beloved alma mater to ensure that Bethany can, and always will, provide students with the best Christ-centered College Education.

Please visit and make your gift by June 30, 2024.

We wish all in the Bethany Alumni Family the Lords Blessings! Thank you!

Bethany Alumni Board

(May 28, 2024)